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Platinum Jubilee

So, most of the planet seemed to be planning to have a great time celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and the parish of Lower Sapey wasn’t going to be left out. An afternoon tea with a Royal Toast for parishioners and friends turned out to be just what was wanted. The weather wasn’t as kind as was originally expected but St Bartholomew’s came to our rescue and put a roof over our heads enabling us to have a most enjoyable afternoon.

As the keen eyed of you will have noticed in one of the images above, there was an amazing “Jubilee Cake”. Many thanks to Angie Dallow for the hours of effort that went into producing such a wonder.

Well, it wont keep, even with a Blessing from Rev. Jen Denniston so the cutting commenced. I have to say it tasted as good as it looked, possibly better, and the first 50 pieces disappeared in a flash!

After ample amounts of sweet and savoury snacks had been consumed together with copious amounts of the “amazing technicolour dream cake” all washed down with numerous glasses of “fizz”, it was obviously time for some community singing lead by members of the famous “Pop Up Choir”.
Just a personal comment from the editor (who wasn’t actually singing) that perhaps the singing should have preceded the liberal amount of “fizz”………..