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2022 The Original “BBB”

With some people thinking about returning to school or even a new school and a slight autumnal feel in the air, it was time, once again to enjoy a hearty breakfast. St Bartholomew’s was laid out ready for the promised rain, but we were looked down upon favourably and an open-air setting suited most of those attending the event. The annual September breakfast event started some years ago and has continued to grow in popularity and is now known as the “Big Breakfast Bap”. It has to be said that “Big” is the operative word as it’s amazing what can be crammed onto one of those baps. As ever, the planning and execution by Liz Younge and her team was excellent.

Yes, it’s a cake sale and there were some very nice cakes together with a selection of home produce.

Tombola always attracts the younger generation but I can never understand why they manage to win a bottle of wine. No doubt the person who actually bought the tickets will assist with its consumption.

So, you might have had to queue for a while but everyone I spoke to agreed it was well worth the wait. Click on the image if you want to see it a bit bigger.

This is what people were queuing up for. Everything cooked to perfection, even the “special” requests. The image clicking works here too.

It’s one way to keep your carbon footprint down. Utilise a one horsepower mode of transport.

The church warden, Candy Connolly, offering a vote of thanks to everyone involved in making the event a success.