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Nest Boxes

St Bartholomew’s churchyard is hoping to welcome some feathered visitors

In October 2020, St Bartholomew’s church took delivery of several nest boxes. This was part of the WWRT Wildlife Diversification Project with the nest boxes kindly being donated by “Severn Waste Services”.

It was on an autumnal afternoon that the nest boxes were installed around the churchyard, so continuing the eco-friendly approach to caring for God’s creations.

It’s best to start with the largest first and this beautiful residence for an owl family certainly was the biggest! Luckily the person at the top of the ladder had more volunteers at the bottom of the ladder ensuring it stayed in place.

Next on the list was the Great Tit box, although, Blue Tits, Coal Tits and Long Tailed Tits to name but a few are all welcome.

Now this was a bit of a struggle up in the branches of an old chestnut but we got there in the end. 

A row of terraced houses ready for a gathering of sociable sparrows.

Of course, we couldn’t leave out the robin.

So, after deciding that the church porch was a suitable location, the nesting box was duly installed.

On the following Sunday morning we were most grateful to Rev Becky Elliott for the blessing and prayers. As it turned out the rain held off long enough for the socially distanced parishioners to enjoy participation in the service.

A suitably distanced gathering.