Slightly after the solstice on the afternoon of Sunday 25th June, summer was certainly celebrated. Although the weather forecast was for a rather damp afternoon, our prayers were answered and sunshine prevailed. The developing “quiet space” had been cleared and the pentagon log seating had been arranged around the firepit. With the warmth of the day the firepit wasn’t lit on this occasion but no doubt some outside cooking will soon take place.
During the afternoon many interesting creations were produced by both old and young. The floral headbands being enjoyed by all as well as some amazing clay designs.
All that work and play does require a moment of respite and as ever there were ample refreshments.
A quiet space for contemplation ideal for two…..
A couple of parishioners enjoying the tranquility.
Or perhaps a quiet space for more like 32 as parishioners and visiting friends meet in prayer for the Circle Service.
With a theme of arts and crafts it seemed only fitting the the parish poets should be involved. Here is the poem that the “group” wrote during the afternoon. It may be a little difficult to read the original so here’s a transcript.
Midsummer Magic
The warm sunshine makes me happy
Early mornings, sun, bird songs, it’s a new day summer is here. Scents, flowers. Oh joy!
Dragonflies hovering above the water and house martins dipping when the sun goes down
Haymaking in the sun fills the air with summer scents
Soaring swallows lift my spirits high above the ripening corn
Being able to feel the warm sunshine on your face. Listen to the bees in the summer flowers, feel relaxed and content
The warmth of summer brings memories of childish home
Seaside sounds – waves braking on the shore and children playing
The magical fragrance of summer, attracts the dizzy bees, as they busily buzz from scent to scent
Serenading skylarks singing from heaven
Warm sunshine make everyone smile and brings happiness